Hexagon striped crochet blanket pattern


This blanket is made of total 10 balls making 10 rows for each color, each half hexagon is made of 5 colors/ yarn ball, using a larger hook (6.5) makes it fast and easy to finish and chunky.

PDF Pattern


10 yarn balls 

2 light gray

1 dark gray

 1 light blue

1 brown

1 cream

1 blush

1 rose

1 lilac

6.5 crochet hook


Top/ bottom large: 127 cm 

Height: 145 cm 

Middle: 181 cm 

Color chart: Beginning to end: Brown, teal, blue, light gray, dark gray, light gray, cream, light pink, dark pink, lilac.


Ch: chain 

St: stitch 

Dc: double crochet 

2 Dctog: double crochet together

 Written Pattern

 Ch 123

 Row 1: 2 dc in the 3rd ch from the hook, dc in every ch till the end. 

Row 2: ch2, 2dc in the 1st st as ch2, 1 dc in every st till the end of the row.

 Row 3 to 10: Repeat row 2.

 Changing color, whether at the beginning of the work or the middle, hold the left thread from the worked color under the last st together with the new color tip, yarn over the hook with the new color, insert the hook into the next st making sure you secure the short threads in between the st and work your dc. 

Repeat row 2 for 10 rows with the new color and each color until you have 5 blocks or 50 rows 

Shaping the hexagon through the decrease: 

Row 51: ch2, 2 dctog , 1dc in every st till the end of the row. 

Row 52 to 100: repeat row 51. 

Fasten off. 



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