shell stitch purse crochet pattern


this shell stitch purse is fun and easy to do within maximum of 2 hours, it starts with a flat circle and then worked around in spiral with the shell stitch pattern. Use the videos to help you with the pattern.

The strap is worked separately and attached to the purse.

If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact me.


Bernat cotton yarn

Crochet hook 5 MM


diameter: 13 cm

Height: 17 cm (only shell)

Video link

How to crochet shell stitch

Crochet the perfect circle


Ch: chain

Hdc: half double crochet

St: stitch

Sl st: slip stitch

Sk: skip

Sc: single crochet

Written Pattern

Round 1: Ch3, 12 hdc in the 3rd ch from the hook.

Round 2: ch2, 2 hdc in every st, join with a sl st. (24)

Round 3: ch2, 2hdc in the 1st st, 1 hdc in the next st, 2 hdc in the next st, 1 hdc in the next st, repeat the same till the end of the round, join. (36)

Round 4: ch2, 2hdc in the 1st st, 1 hdc in the next 2st, 2 hdc in the next st, 1 hdc in the next 2st, repeat the same till the end of the round, join. (48)

Round 5: ch2, 2hdc in the 1st st, 1 hdc in the next 3st, 2 hdc in the next st, 1 hdc in the next 3st, repeat the same till the end of the round, join. (60)

Place a stitch marker, now working in spiral:

sc in the 1st, sk 2, 5 dc in the next st, sk 2, 1 sc in the next st, repeat ( sk 2, 5 dc in the next st, sk 2, sc in the next st) for the next 10 rows. Fasten off.

Making the strap:

Ch 101, sl st back to the starting point, do not fasten off.

Join the other end of the strap to any opening (holes) 3 round under the last round, skip 3 shells and insert the strap again, repeat the same till you are back to the start point.

Join with a sl st to the other extremity of the strap to close it (form a ring) and fasten off.


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